Consciousness vs Computation

All round the day thoughts galore my mind, variety of thoughts some fresh some stale, some irrelevant, the origin of which I don’t understand. To some I helplessly choose and others I wilfully neglect. In this game I totally forget why did I choose them and why neglect others.

The modern theory treats the mind as a computational system, which computes on the inputs that our mind receives via the faculty of the senses and processes it based on the past experiences and current circumstance. This mega computational system has multiple components each responsible for a different type of response. Just like in any system of systems, a domino effect on each of the components is observed, if any one is dysfunctional. This system of systems, let’s call it the mind has the same structure for every human being.

Mentioning about the mind as a system, every system runs on a well defined set of instructions, in simple words given a set of inputs to the initial state, my final state would look like this. With the help of modern technology by monitoring the brain waves the reactions of the brain are documented to several stimuli. By gathering all such information, is where scientists are heading towards creating their very own first human being, sounds good? But there is a problem.

A group of scientists developed a chef robot, and programmed all the master recipes of variety of cuisines from all over the world. The robot was also fed the jury data of each of the recipe for all the winner recipes around the world. Of course the flavour of each and every cooking ingredient and the cooking styles were also provided, and the robot was all set to participate in a cooking competition with the humans. How do you think who won. The jury was not told which dish was prepared by which participant, our robot chef won, preparing one of the best recipes ever, indeed the scientists were celebrating, but there is a problem here. Our poor robot couldn’t tell how the dish tasted or could enjoy the dish prepared by IT. This points out the major flaw in the all the research being carried out on the human mind. The computation dynamics of the human brain is mistaken to be the consciousness.

Interesting to note that, we do wonders, we create, we innovate, we celebrate, we feel the ride, we set with the sun, we dream, we procrastinate and we cry sometimes and wonder why, hope to be out and think I could, only if I would hear the quiet voices inside, that reaches into the heart of the things, and expect more and reminds me that, deep down I know I can, I know I am, I know I will, live for something I would die for and dance because my heart dictates it, and smile because I am happy for I can know love and love the life I am living. Being conscious is the symptom of life, which causes the liveliness all over the body.

Laws of gravitation, laws of mechanics, laws of optics, all physical, chemical, biological laws are observed through instruments in their respective domains. There is an injustice to the mind when we try to observe the mind through the same set of instruments. It requires higher dimension, the nature of which is beyond material laws. Consciousness allows us to see beyond what a machine can see, and that is the reason we sense certain feelings and emotions even though our body doesn’t directly perceive it, but through the faculty of the body we express ourselves, and there goes the saying, silence sometimes says a lot.

Again, matter is incompatible to consciousness, consciousness is suppose to control the matter, however the world around seems to be consumed by matter and that is where the civilization is going wrong. The linkage of this consciousness across the world is what the humans have lost caught up in the radioactive connections. Nature around speaks so much, through her consciousness which pervades the whole earth, this is real harmony with nature. There is a different level of satisfaction that can be experienced when we are conscious, conscious of the subtleties of living, learning and loving beyond matter ..

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